
P r i s m House

The idea for the building is to create rooms that can have different functions overtime. The spaces in this building are in different levels and separated from each other which makes it, it's own space to begin with. The functionality of the room can differ depending on the need which supports the theory of "One space? Every Space" 

The building is named "Prism House" because of it's shape and to tie in with the other buildings it is connected to like the Square house and the Round house. Also the idea that the rooms are prisms made me realised the possibility of extending how far the building can connect as if it is producing a rainbow. 



Instantaneous                                                   Linear
Rotational                                                     Fluid
Continuous                                                      Scalar 

Beginnings in Sketch-up

Floor Plan and Section 


M O V I N G  elements IDEAS

1.) First Idea: Rotating window blinds for a glass dome.

2.) Second Idea: this panels folds and will have cutouts to create a more interesting textures

T  H  E  O  R  Y


to create a space that will be versatile as time goes by.
a space that can remain the same despite the change of function.




A s y m m e t r i c a l  R e v. L u m i o n

H e r o  S h o t  +  D e t a i l  S h o t 

D e s c r i p t i o n

The structure of this project is to represent one of Bernabei Freeman's product. It is this seemingly symmetrical hanging planter; however the pattern of the cutouts on it was asymmetrical and that is why this building's concept to be asymmetrical in every view. My selected hero shot is to showcase how the inside and outside both have asymmetrical walls that forms almost a sharp crystal like structure. This also shows how open the building is to the outdoors but still feel enclosed because their are more than four walls that encapsulate the inside. My selected detail shot shows how in this angle the stairs meet to create a triangular shape. This is designed to create a harmony between the main attraction in the common room which was the stairs and the building itself.

M o r e  S h o t s


S T A I R S   o n  P A P E R
to  S T A I R S   from  P A P E R
A  s y m m e t r i c a l  level to Common Level

I wanted the top part of my building to connect to the common room using the similar triangular shape that has been observed through out the facade. The stairs have three levels to create the three sides of a triangle. The steps are supported by the wooden bins that runs from floor to ceiling to emphasise the height and also it serves as the focal point when you step into the building. 

The bottom part does not exactly have a spiral stair case, it is winding but it is not a circular staircase. I want the stairs to feel as if it is also revolving with the building to showcase how uneven the sizes of the levels are inside.